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Igdirova P., Geldimyradova Ch., Soltanova N.




Mandragora is a mountain medicinal plant is known to mankind since ancient times. The plant is also known as selmelek, mehrigoya, serayot, or the herb of life. According to its habitat, the Turkmen mountain range grows in our country at an altitude of 800-1200 meters. It grows in clayey, improved clay soils, gravelly and stony southern areas, among woody shrubs, in the jungles of the Black Sea. The plant blooms in November-April and bears fruit in May-July.   

Ключевые слова:
selmelek, medical plant, root, turcomanica, extract   

What is Mandragora used for actually: The plant was used for soothing, analgesic, anesthetic, and aphrodisiac purposes, but also for its hallucinogenic properties as a medication. Currently, the plant Mandragora officinarum is used by substance abusers for its hallucinogenic properties. Medicinal plants will be useful for Maternal and Child health care, as essential drugs, in food and nutrition, for common illnesses and injury, for endemic infectious diseases, mental health and oral health. There are 6 species of mandragora, 5 of which are found in the world and 1 species in Turkmenistan. Selmelek is distinguished by its longevity, cold resistance and long growth period. Selmelek is a medicinal plant, the fruits of which help to heal purulent and various wounds. In scientific medicine, the soothing properties of the hammock are used in the treatment of recurrent joint pain and rheumatism. The plant contains several organic and inorganic substances and one of their main components is alkaloids. The composition of the plant includes alkaloids: scopolamine, hyoscyamine, starch. Its fruits contain up to 80 mg/% vitamin C. The percentage of alkaloids in Turkomanica leaves is 0.3%, the percentage of alkaloids in the root is 0.2%, the percentage of unripe fruits is 0.07%, and the percentage of ripe seeds is 0.03%. The purpose of the scientific work is to obtain the bioactive substances contained in the cell. There are several methods of extracting bioactive substances from medicinal plants, and one of the main methods used in this research is Soxhlet extraction, distillation and maceration methods. As a result of the use of these methods, the extract is obtained separately from the root, fruit, and leaf of the plant. The composition of each obtained extract is analyzed and the amount of bioactive substances is determined. In conclusion: The obtained bioactive substances are used in the pharmaceutical industry to prepare various medicines, creams and ointments. Protecting human health, which is the highest value of society and the state, is one of the world's priorities. Under the wise leadership of our Esteemed President, great work is being done on the integrated development and improvement of the national health care system in our country. Scientific work is carried out at the "Green Chemistry" research and production center within the framework of the Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (71) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Igdirova P., Geldimyradova Ch., Soltanova N. INVESTIGATING METHODS OF EXTRACTING BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS FROM MANDRAGORA TURCOMANICA PLANT // Вестник науки №2 (71) том 3. С. 687 - 689. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13068 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13068

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